insideAR 2011: Augmented Reality Will Be on Every Smartphone by 2014

There is 450 or more members at the annual insideAR it has become the worlds largest Augmented Reality gathering with a lot of high profile speakers.
insideAR 2011 Augmented Reality Will Be on Every Smartphone by 2014

The Ultimate Couple Competition

This is a video I've been working on for my Experimental Digital Video class. It's rough footage of my Ultimate Couple Competition idea I hope you all enjoy. 

ASLA Student Awards 2011

Winners of the ASLA Student Awards 2011 and this was one of the 40 out of 450 designs that were recognized for creativity.

Winners of the ASLA Student Awards 2011

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Newspapers vs. Website News vs. Broadcasted News on the Troy Davis Case Comparison Assignment

When it comes to newspapers on the Troy Davis story the New York Times article “Digital Age Drives Rally to Keep a Georgia Inmate From Execution” written by Kim Serverson mention that everyone is watching what went on in Georgia when it comes to the Troy Davis case. Kim mentioned that possibly that this shows that there is flaws in our court justice system. Also that technology is making more people come together and realizing more news stories and if they feel strongly about it then they are going to do something to change it if they feel it is not justified. There was 633,000 petitions sent to the parole board and 200,000 of them were electronic signatures coming from according to the New York Times. I think this news article from the New York Times was informative about how people are becoming more activists and how maybe our court system isn’t as just as we think. The weaknesses are maybe that it shows the story as somewhat a one sided showing that Troy shouldn’t have been executed from lack of evidence and only going by an eye witness whom always seems to change their stories.

For and online news website I picked  In this particular news article it showed that a lot of people from around the world noticed this case there has been various executions in the U.S. before this case caught a lot of people’s attention. In the article “Troy Davis executed, supporters cry injustice” it says that the U.S. Supreme court rejection of stay allowing the state of Georgia to proceed with their sentencing.  A lot of people wore t-shirts saying “I am Troy Davis” meaning that this could happen to anyone this could happen to them possibly being falsely accused like many believe Troy has been. Troy’s last word before being lethally injected were “I am innocent” which many people believed he was, but the Georgia court system believed otherwise. Even when Troy’s attorney said that seven out of the nine witnesses were arguing over their stories and that Troy wanted to do a polygraph they refused to go by that or allow the test to happen they thought Troy had many opportunities to prove his innocence since he was convicted of this crime in 89 for killing police officer Mark MacPhail. The story of the crime just so happens to be that when Troy and his friend were supposedly helping out their friend against a homeless man over taking their friends beer by a Burger King eye witnesses say Troy hit the homeless man with his gun to defend his friend and MacPhail tried to intervene, so Troy shot the cop in the face and heart which killed him. Many of the eyewitness reports have changed and there hasn’t been enough psychical evidence to say it was definitely Davis who committed the murder he was still executed on September 21, 2011 at 11:08pm. He had three other execution dates prior to his final sentence, but they had always been held up. So when it comes to the CBS online news article I feel it leans more towards the unjust of Troy Davis’s  final sentence to be executed and lack of evidence, so I feel this online news story leans more towards his innocence, but I also think that it has a lot of facts presented throughout the article.

Last, but not least when it comes to the coverage of the news story about Troy Davis on broadcasted news I decided to pick CNN and their view and coverage on the story leaned more towards Troy Davis possible being innocent. It seems like all three mediums of news coverage on the Troy Davis case are all leaning towards the unjust sentencing of him. In the CNN news report they said a lot of people that testified felt like the police forced them to say Troy Davis was guilty of killing MacPhail even though a lot of the testifiers didn’t even see if Troy was the one who did it. Some people think it could have possible been his friend that committed the crime, Redd Coles. Yet again the strength of this site is the facts, yet I also believe again that its mostly leaned more towards a one sided news report on Troy Davis’s innocence.

The Troy Davis Execution

   For my comparison assignment I chose the Troy Davis story. I just found this story very intriguing and unsettling for a lot of people to believe this man was innocent, yet he was sentenced to death by the court system. It's crazy to think if Troy died and innocent man or if he was guilty as charged I guess no one will ever know.

BOFFO Building Fashion 2011

       BOFFO Building Fashion 2011 was in New York, Ny and the store has Nicola Formichetti and Gage/Clemanceau Architects. Its a prism like set up with unique lighting set and its a temporary store and what will be sold there is Thierry Mugler menswear and womenswear, and Nicola's iPhone cases, jewelery, candles, t-shirts, and exclusive designs by international designers.

BOFFO Building Fashion 2011 Concept Store 01

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Wacom Cintiq 24HD 01

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